Smart pointers

In the previous section, we have talked about pointers and memory management. As you probably know, dynamic memory management can bring quite some headaches, such as

  • memory leaks, when allocated memory is not deallocated
  • ownership issues: who is in charge of deallocating memory?

Luckily, C++11 comes with smart pointers, aimed at helping you out in exactly those situations.

Pitfalls of pointers

Let's look at some use cases of pointers:

Declaring a pointer - what's wrong?

    int* a; // declares a pointer that can point to an integer value

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We can use pointers to allocate memory on the heap

    int* c = new int; // allocate memory for an integer value in the heap
    //and assign its memory address to this pointer

What does this do?

    int** d = &a;

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And then there are of course pointers to objects

    MyObject* e = new MyObject(); // allocate memory for MyObject
    // and assign its memory address to the pointer e

    /* Using a pointer */
    int f = *c; // dereferencing a pointer and assigning the pointed
    // value to another integer variable

    e->DoSomething(); // dereferencing a pointer and calling
    // the method DoSomething() of the instance of MyObject
    // pointed by e

Memory leaks

memory leak is a type of resource leak that occurs when

  • memory which is no longer needed is not released
  • an object is stored in memory but cannot be accessed by the running code.

What is the problem with this code?

Below is a snippet of analysis code. What is wrong with it ?

    void MyAnalysisTask::UserExec()
      TLorentzVector* v = nullptr;
      for (int i = 0; i < InputEvent()->GetNumberOfTracks(); i++) {
        AliVTrack* track = InputEvent()->GetTrack(i);
        if (!track) continue;
        v = new TLorentzVector(track->Px(), 
          track->Py(), track->Pz(), track->M());

        // my analysis here
        std::cout << v->Pt() << std::endl;

      delete v;

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Array or single value?

Besides being at a risk of memory leaks, pointers can lead to truly ambiguous situations when using arrays, since a pointer can point to a single value or to an array, there is no way to infer it from its declaration. There is a different syntax to destroy (= deallocate, free) the pointed object for arrays and single objects as we have seen in the previous section. Look at the following snippet of code, that illustrates this ambiguity:

    AliVTrack* FilterTracks();

    void UserExec()
      TLorentzVector *vect = new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0);
      double *trackPts = new double[100];
      AliVTrack *returnValue = FilterTracks();

      // here use the pointers

      delete vect;
      delete[] trackPts;
      delete returnValue; // or should I use delete[] ??

Ownership issues: double deletes

  • Each memory allocation should match a corresponding deallocation

  • Difficult to keep track of all memory allocations/deallocations in a large project

  • Ownership of the pointed memory is ambiguous: multiple deletes of the same object may occur

    AliVTrack* FilterTracks();
    void AnalyzeTracks(AliVTrack* tracks);

    void MyAnalysisTask::UserExec()
      AliVTrack* tracks = FilterTracks();


      delete[] tracks; // should I actually delete it?? 
      //or was it already deleted by AnalyzeTracks?

Smart Pointers

  • Clear (shared or exclusive) ownership of the pointed object

  • memory is deallocated when the last pointer goes out of scope

  • Available since C++11

Exclusive-Ownership Pointers: unique_ptr

  • Automatic garbage collection with (i.e. it uses the same resources as a raw pointer)

  • unique_ptr owns the object it points

  • Memory automatically released when unique_ptr goes out of scope or when its reset(T* ptr) method is called

  • Only one unique_ptr can point to the same memory address

Unique pointers in the wild

Example 1

    void MyFunction() {
      std::unique_ptr<TLorentzVector> vector(new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0));
      std::unique_ptr<TLorentzVector> vector2(new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0));

      // use vector and vector2

      // dereferencing unique_ptr works exactly as a raw pointer
      std::cout << vector->Pt() << std::endl;

      // the line below does not compile!
      // vector = vector2;
      // cannot assign the same address to two unique_ptr instances

      vector.swap(vector2); // however I can swap the memory addresses

      // this also releases the memory previously pointed by vector2
      vector2.reset(new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0)); 

      // objects pointed by vector and vector2 are deleted here

Example 2

    void MyAnalysisTask::UserExec()
      for (int i = 0; i < InputEvent()->GetNumberOfTracks(); i++) {
        AliVTrack* track = InputEvent()->GetTrack(i);
        if (!track) continue;
        std::unique_ptr<TLorentzVector> v(new TLorentzVector(track->Px(), 
          track->Py(), track->Pz(), track->M()));

        // my analysis here
        std::cout << v->Pt() << std::endl;
        // no need to delete
        // v is automatically deallocated after each for loop

No memory leak here! :)

Shared-Ownership Pointers: shared_ptr

  • Automatic garbage collection with some CPU and memory overhead

  • The pointed object is collectively owned by one or more shared_ptr instances

  • Memory automatically released the last shared_ptr goes out of scope or when it is re-assigned


Shared pointers in the wild

Example 1

    void MyFunction() {
      std::shared_ptr<TLorentzVector> vector(new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0));
      std::shared_ptr<TLorentzVector> vector2(new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0));

      // dereferencing shared_ptr works exactly as a raw pointer
      std::cout << vector->Pt() << std::endl;

      // assignment is allowed between shared_ptr instances
      vector = vector2; 
      // the object previously pointed by vector is deleted!
      // vector and vector2 now share the ownership of the same object

      // object pointed by both vector and vector2 is deleted here

Example 2

    class MyClass {
        void MyFunction();
        std::shared_ptr<TLorentzVector> fVector;

    void MyClass::MyFunction() {
      std::shared_ptr<TLorentzVector> vector(new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0));

      // assignment is allowed between shared_ptr instances
      fVector = vector;
      // the object previously pointed by fVector (if any) is deleted
      // vector and fVector now share the ownership of the same object

      // here vector goes out-of-scope
      // however fVector is a class member so the object is not deleted!
      // it will be deleted automatically when this instance of the class
      // is deleted (and therefore fVector goes out-of-scope) :)

Some word of caution on `shared_ptr'

What is the problem in this case?

You have created smart code, using smart pointers. It looks like this

    void MyClass::MyFunction() {
      auto ptr = new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0);

      std::shared_ptr<TLorentzVector> v1 (ptr);
      std::shared_ptr<TLorentzVector> v2 (ptr);


still, something is wrong with it, do you know what ?

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Below is a very long page of exercises related to using smart pointers, varying in difficulty. Click on 'solution' to see the answer to the questions. You can put the questions 'in action' by writing small C++ programs, but they are also answerable by just inspecting the code snippets.


The following statements contain a mistake. Can you spot it?

void some_function() {
    std::shared_ptr<int> p1(new int(42));
    std::shared_ptr<int> p2(p1.get());

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The following contains another mistake. What is wrong?

void some_function() {
    std::unique_ptr<int> p3(new int[42]);

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When would you use a unique_ptr versus a shared_ptr?

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Suppose you have a class which returns a pointer which the user may wish to store in a shared_ptr. What type should you return?

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Consider the following code:

int foo() { throw std::runtime_error("Normally conditional");  return 5; }

void bar(std::shared_ptr<int> int, int val)

void example2()
  bar(std::shared_ptr<int>(new int(42)), foo());

Why could calling example2 result in a memory leak?

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